“Santa Claus Is Back in Town” is a festive and energetic Christmas song recorded by Elvis Presley. It was written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller and was included in Elvis’s 1957 Christmas album titled “Elvis’ Christmas Album.”

About The Song

Released during the peak of Elvis’s popularity, the song features his signature rock and roll style with a holiday twist. In “Santa Claus Is Back in Town,” Elvis sings about the excitement and anticipation of Santa’s return to town, bringing joy and gifts for the holiday season. The song’s upbeat tempo, energetic delivery, and playful lyrics contribute to its enduring appeal as a Christmas classic.

Elvis’ Christmas Album, which includes this track, remains one of the best-selling Christmas albums of all time. “Santa Claus Is Back in Town” is often played during the holiday season and has become a beloved part of the Christmas music repertoire. Elvis’s rendition of the song adds a rock and roll flair to the festive atmosphere, making it a favorite for fans of both his music and Christmas tunes in general.



🎵 Let’s sing along with the lyrics! 🎤

Well, it’s Christmas time, pretty baby
And the snow is falling on the ground
(Christmas, Christmas)
Well, it’s Christmas time, pretty baby
And the snow is falling down
(Christmas, Christmas)
Well, you be a real good, little girl
Santa Claus is back in town (Christmas, Christmas)
Got no sleigh with reindeer
No sack on my back
You’re gonna see me comin’
In a big black Cadillac
Oh-oh, it’s Christmas time, pretty baby (Christmas, Christmas)
And the snow is falling on the ground (Christmas, Christmas)
Well, you be a real good, little baby
Santa Claus is back in town (Christmas, Christmas)
Hang up your pretty stockings
And turn off the light
Santa Claus is comin’
Down your chimney tonight
Oh-oh, it’s Christmas time, pretty baby (Christmas, Christmas)
And the snow is falling on the ground (Christmas, Christmas)
Well, you be a real good, little baby
Santa Claus is back in town